Life Insurance Exam Tips and Tricks
10 ways to make the process as painless as possible
by The Ridgeback Group
Life Insurance Exam Tips and Tricks
by The Ridgeback Group
Getting a life insurance exam is one of the most important steps in procuring coverage because insurers use the information they learn to determine what coverage to offer, and at what price. Here are ten things you can do to make sure your exam goes smoothly — and potentially help you get a lower rate.
Getting a life insurance exam is one of the most important steps in obtaining critical coverage for your family. It can also be kind of a pain — literally and figuratively.
That’s because scheduling an exam, just like scheduling any other appointment, can be tricky. And because it’s always a little uncomfortable to be poked and prodded, and to discuss intimate information like your medical history. Also: Needles.
That said, there are ways to make the entire experience easier, which is good because, for most policies, there’s no way around getting a life insurance exam. That’s because insurers use the information from your exam, along with critical stats like your age and health history, to determine what rate to offer you.
Simply put, the healthier you are, the lower the rate you’re likely to pay. That’s because, for insurers, a strong bill of health means you’ll probably live longer, which reduces the chances they’ll need to pay out your policy anytime soon.
That’s why we thought of 10 ways to make the process as painless as possible. Using these tips and tricks, you’ll be taking (and passing) your exam with ease, even if we ultimately can’t help you with the needles.
It’s always a little uncomfortable to be poked and prodded, and to discuss intimate information like your medical history. Also: Needles.”
Try to schedule your exam in the morning when your body is already in a fasting state. And avoid stressful conversations or emails before — or during — your exam.”